Little Brushwood's Blog

watercolor painting of Little Brushwood in a frame

Hi, I'm Little Brushwood!

I’m a Shiba Inu.

Maybe someday I will be all grown up, but today I am just a Little Pup.

Here are some stories I’d like to tell you, about the things that I happily do.

So pick up these books for your very own. Please read them to your kids until they’re grown!

The October Fundraiser

Saturday’s the day of the fundraising event.

It was in the church parking lot under a tent.

The helpers wore special brown antlers of reindeer.

Little Pup’s head was too small; he got bunny ears.

This was to help in raising money for a need,

The Pastor said we were all doing a good deed.

Lots of hungry people had come out to enjoy,

The food on sale for ev’ry adult, girl and boy.

There are cupcakes and brownies and snow-cones to eat.

Someone even made a large gingerbread house treat.

Little Pup was proud to help with this worthy cause,

He does what he can with his Little Brushwood paws.